How to build Data Warehouse on Hadoop cluster (Part 1)

- 15 mins

In their business activities, business owners always need to make decisions, the right decisions will help the business stabilize and develop, on the contrary, wrong decisions will lead to losses or even bankruptcy. Business Intelligence (BI) is a system that synthesizes information, provides smart analytical reports, builds predictive models from data, allowing business owners to have a comprehensive view of their business, thereby making decisions that are beneficial to business operations. In this article, I will introduce to you about Data warehouse (DWH) which is likened to “stomach”, is the warehouse that stores all the data of the BI system, due to the capacity of the article, I will split it into 2 parts: Part 1 is the installation instructions, part 2 is the DWH application for a specific problem.


  1. Overview
  2. Design architecture
  3. Install Spark
  4. Install Postgresql
  5. Configuring Spark Thrift Server (Hive)
  6. Install DBT
  7. Install Superset
  8. Install Airflow
  9. Conclusion

:pray: I am currently consulting, designing and implementing data analysis infrastructure, Data Warehouse, Lakehouse for individuals and organizations in need. You can see and try a system I have built here. Please contact me via email: Thank you!


According to the definition from Oracle, Data Warehouse is a type of data management system designed to support analytical activities and business intelligence (BI). Data in a data warehouse is structured like a database, but there are some differences between the two systems as follows:

Design Architecture

There are many ways to design a Data Warehouse, it will depend on each person’s usage needs, here I rely on the technical descriptions of Dune Analyst a startup that provides Blockchain data analysis infrastructure, valued at up to 1 billion dollars in February 2022.

DWH Architecture

Install Spark

Go to Spark’s homepage here to get the download link. At the time of writing this article, the latest version of spark is 3.3.4, but when testing, I found that this version is not compatible with DBT and Hive, so I used a lower version of spark, 3.3.2.

Note: Since we already have a Hadoop cluster (you can review the instructions here), we only need to install Spark on 1 node (mine is on node01), when running a Spark job, we configure --master yarn so that the job can run on all nodes.

$ wget
$ tar -xzvf spark-3.3.2-bin-hadoop3.tgz 
$ mv spark-3.3.2-bin-hadoop3 /lib/spark
$ mkdir /lib/spark/logs
$ chgrp hadoop -R /lib/spark
$ chmod g+w -R /lib/spark

Configure environment variables in file /etc/bash.bashrc:

export SPARK_HOME=/lib/spark

Update environment variables

$ source /etc/bash.bashrc

Create the $SPARK_HOME/conf/ file:

cp $SPARK_HOME/conf/ $SPARK_HOME/conf/

Add the classpath configuration to the newly created $SPARK_HOME/conf/ file:

export SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH=$(hadoop classpath)

Check if Spark is running in yarn mode:

spark-shell --master yarn --deploy-mode client


Welcome to
      ____              __
     / __/__  ___ _____/ /__
    _\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/  '_/
   /___/ .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\   version 3.3.2
Using Scala version 2.12.10 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 11.0.17)

Install Postgresql

You can install Posgresql directly or use Docker, here I will install directly on node01 according to the instructions on the homepage here.

Enable postgresql service

$ service postgresql start

By default, we can only connect to Postgresql on the localhost machine through the user postgres:

Switch to the postgres user

$ su postgres

Enter the Sql command interface:

[postgres]$ psql

Reset the password for the postgres account:

postgres=# ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'password';

To be able to connect from other machines (remote), we need to edit the configuration as follows:

listen_addresses = '*'
host all all md5

Note: to know the location of the 2 configuration files, we need to use the commands show config_file; and show hba_file; on the Sql command.

Restart posgresql

$ service postgresql restart

Check if you can connect to postgresql via ip:

$ psql -h node01 -p 5432 -U postgres -W

Configure Spark Thrift Server (Hive)

The Spark installation has built-in Thrift Server (Hive), allowing other applications to work with Spark through Hive’s SQL language. We need to configure the data to be stored on HDFS and the metadata to be stored on postgresql as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>





./ --master yarn --deploy-mode client \
    --driver-memory 4g \
    --executor-memory 6g \
    --executor-cores 4 \
    --num-executors 2 \
    --conf "" \
    --conf ""

Thrift server will run as a Spark Job on Yarn so you can customize the appropriate resources (RAM capacity, number of cores, number of excurtors…) when running.

Download postgresql driver to the folder $SPARK_HOME/jars/:

$ cd $SPARK_HOME/jars/
$ wget

Download Delta library to folder $SPARK_HOME/jars/:

$ cd $SPARK_HOME/jars/
$ wget
$ wget

Create user hive and directory warehouse on HDFS:

$ useradd -g hadoop -m -s /bin/bash hive
[hive]$ hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/hive/warehouse

Create user hive and database metastore on Postgresql:

postgres=# CREATE DATABASE metastore;
postgres=# CREATE USER hive with password 'password';
postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE metastore to hive;

Run Thrift Server

$ chmod +x $SPARK_HOME/sbin/
$ $SPARK_HOME/sbin/

Job was run on Yarn at

Thrift Server

Turn off Thift Server:

$ $SPARK_HOME/sbin/

Install DBT

For speed, I will use the DBT example project available on Github here. I will explain more about this project in the next post.

Use git to clone the project to your computer:

$ git clone

Install development environment and libraries via Anaconda (you can refer to Anaconda tại đây)

$ conda create -n dbt_example python=3.9
$ conda activate dbt_example
(dbt_example) $ pip install dbt-spark[PyHive]

Configure connection to Hive server in file ~/.dbt/profiles.yml:

      type: spark
      method: thrift
      host: node01
      port: 10000
      user: hive
      dbname: jaffle_shop
      schema: dbt_alice
      threads: 4

      type: spark
      method: thrift
      host: node01
      port: 10000
      user: hive
      dbname: jaffle_shop
      schema: dbt_alice
      threads: 4

  target: dev

Run the following commands in turn to migrate the models into tables on the DWH.

$ dbt debug
$ dbt seed
$ dbt run
$ dbt test
$ dbt docs generate
$ dbt docs serve

Check the DBT project is running on http://localhost:8080/

DBT Screen

Check the warehouse directory on HDFS: we can see that there are data databases created:


Install Superset

We will use Superset to view the migrated data on DWH. I will install Superset via docker

docker run -d --name superset --hostname superset --network hadoop apache/superset
docker exec -it superset superset fab create-admin \
              --username admin \
              --firstname Superset \
              --lastname Admin \
              --email \
              --password admin

Check on Superset’s web interface:

Superset Screen

Log in with account admin/admin, then go to Settting \ Databases Connections to create a new Connection Database. In step 1, you choose Supported Database as Apache Hive, in the SQLALCHEMY URI section, you enter the url of Hive: hive://hive@ then select Connect.

Superset Connect

To use queries into the DWH, you use the SQL Lab interface on Superset: SQL Lab

Install Airflow

For simplicity, you can install Airflow directly in the dbt jaffle_shop project, you can see the installation instructions here

$ export AIRFLOW_HOME=~/airflow
$ export AIRFLOW_VERSION=2.5.0
$ export PYTHON_VERSION="$(python --version | cut -d " " -f 2 | cut -d "." -f 1-2)"
$ pip install "apache-airflow==${AIRFLOW_VERSION}" --constraint "${CONSTRAINT_URL}"

Create DAG file for jaffle_shop project in directory ~/airflow/dags/jaffle_shop/

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import json

from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator

dag = DAG(
    start_date=datetime(2020, 12, 23),
    description='A dbt wrapper for Airflow',

def load_manifest():
    local_filepath = "jaffle_shop/target/manifest.json"
    with open(local_filepath) as f:
        data = json.load(f)

    return data

def make_dbt_task(node, dbt_verb):
    """Returns an Airflow operator either run and test an individual model"""
    DBT_DIR = "jaffle_shop"
    GLOBAL_CLI_FLAGS = "--no-write-json"
    model = node.split(".")[-1]

    if dbt_verb == "run":
        dbt_task = BashOperator(
            cd {DBT_DIR} &&
            dbt {GLOBAL_CLI_FLAGS} {dbt_verb} --target prod --models {model}

    elif dbt_verb == "test":
        node_test = node.replace("model", "test")
        dbt_task = BashOperator(
            cd {DBT_DIR} &&
            dbt {GLOBAL_CLI_FLAGS} {dbt_verb} --target prod --models {model}

    return dbt_task

data = load_manifest()

dbt_tasks = {}
for node in data["nodes"].keys():
    if node.split(".")[0] == "model":
        node_test = node.replace("model", "test")

        dbt_tasks[node] = make_dbt_task(node, "run")
        dbt_tasks[node_test] = make_dbt_task(node, "test")

for node in data["nodes"].keys():
    if node.split(".")[0] == "model":

        # Set dependency to run tests on a model after model runs finishes
        node_test = node.replace("model", "test")
        dbt_tasks[node] >> dbt_tasks[node_test]

        # Set all model -> model dependencies
        for upstream_node in data["nodes"][node]["depends_on"]["nodes"]:

            upstream_node_type = upstream_node.split(".")[0]
            if upstream_node_type == "model":
                dbt_tasks[upstream_node] >> dbt_tasks[node]

Note: update the jaffle_shop project directory path in local_filepath and DBT_DIR

Run Airflow

$ airflow standalone

You go to airflow interface at http://localhost:8080/ and login with account admin and password provided on command line.


Airflow Graph


In this article, I have introduced to everyone the architecture and how to install a Data Warehouse on Hadoop. It’s been quite long so I will present the application of DWH in the next article. See you again.

Lake Nguyen

Lake Nguyen

Founder of Chainslake

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